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9/3 지텔프 시험후기: how to prepare for G-TELP successfully.

페이지 정보

작성자 Enough
댓글 0건 조회 566회 작성일 23-09-13 19:12



I am very thankful to be able to have the grade that I wanted and needed: an over 65 score.
I  would like to share/post a review of the recent G-TELP test that I took on September 3rd, 2023, mentioning some tips on how to prepare for G-TELP successfully.

First of all, Improve grammar skills by using different sources through www.gtelpedu.com, YouTube, grammar books, and so on. For me, I enjoyed using sample tests and weekly grammar tests provided by www.gtelpedu.com. It was very helpful for me to have a sense of G-TELP grammar by taking the quizzes and organizing the wrong answers. G-TELP EDU provides us with diverse and useful materials. I recommend that you guys explore and use G-TELP EDU actively. I practiced the grammar book that summarizes the core and its quizzes at least two times as well.

Second, practice leads to better results. Unlike grammar, even though practicing listening and reading parts were challenging to me, I had to keep going. In other words, I tried to practice grammar, listening, and reading sections equally. If I had not contemplated practicing listening and reading parts as important as grammar, I would have not overcome the fear and limits on listening and reading tests; because I had tended to spend more time learning/practicing my favorite or less difficult part, grammar. If I had practiced like a picky eater, I could not have obtained my target scores. Additionally, each individual needs various study plans and strategies according to their different target scores.

Third, organizing wrong answers helps you to be aware of what your strengths and weaknesses are in the three sections: grammar, listening, and reading. Then, you can recognize what you have to focus on forward, revising your study plan flexibly and effectively. when I organized the wrong answers, I carefully read the explanation of the questions I answered incorrectly; so I could come to know why I made mistakes. Reducing mistakes is one of the great skills. For example, after checking my wrong answers in the reading part, I came to know that I needed to enhance my vocabulary skills. So I used weekly voca tests provided by www.gtelpedu.com and practiced memorizing more core words. From my experience and thought, it is crucial that those with the upcoming G-TELP exam get a G-TELP vocabulary book and strengthen their vocabulary skills for a higher reading score.

Lastly, trust in yourself. Especially, I was often frustrated and disappointed due to my listening skills. It was like pouring water into a bottomless pit, but I had to believe in the benefits of the process: keep practicing listening. Surprisingly, I got a higher score than usual in the listening part of the G-TELP test that I took recently. I regarded G-TELP teachers and materials as my angels who can facilitate me to reach my goal. Thus, keep positive energy for the betterment.

My partner has just asked me, "Why are you posting your review in English?" I have answered, "Because It is for me, first." Indeed, It is not easy and comfortable to write with my current English skills. However, It is significantly meaningful and practical for me to have more opportunities to demonstrate what I learned, felt, and developed during this time, for sure! Some can give me some feedback regarding my grammar mistakes. That is welcoming! Through this review, I am thankful for having this chance to reflect critically on what I experienced and learned while preparing G-TELP exam with G-TELP EDU. I hope my review is special and beneficial to you guys in preparing G-TELP exam successfully.

Thank you for reading. Good luck!


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  • G-TELP
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