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오늘 본 상품 1

  • [패키지] 경찰 파이널 지텔프 43+ 퀵케어팩
    [패키지] 경찰 파 122,000

예측 모의고사


Q 1.Sophia is working hard on her history project, but feels sad when she sees pictures of her friends enjoying their vacation. If she were to sneak away now, she _____________ them by dinnertime tonight.

Q 2.Michael moved to Dallas when he was in elementary school. He can’t believe how quickly time has passed; by the end of next month, he ______________ in Dallas for 15 years.

Q 3.Paul’s knee pain is starting to get in the way of his daily workout routine. His doctor advised that he ________ doing lunges for a while, at least until the pain goes away.

Q 4.My uncle knows how much of a sweet tooth I have. So on my birthday, he took me to the ice cream parlor and told me I __________ order anything I wanted.

Q 5.There are signs posted around the pool letting guests know about the safety rules. Children are not allowed __________ around the perimeter because they could slip and fall.

Q 6.My parents wanted to paint the house today. Unfortunately, it is raining and won’t stop for the next four days. So, they have decided to postpone __________ the house until the weather gets better.

Q 7.A hill outside of Bastogne, Belgium, serves as a memorial for the 76,890 American casualties of the 1944 Battle of the Bulge. ________ fewer veterans are returning to Bastogne, more tourists are visiting this fabled battlefield.

Q 8.Now, it is commonplace for US presidential candidates to use opinion polls in their campaigns. John F. Kennedy, _________________, was the first candidate to use opinion polls as a foundation for a national campaign strategy.

(주)한국지텔프 대표 김현중 사업자등록번호 110-81-83947 원격평생교육시설 신고 제원격-126호 통신판매업신고번호 2017-서울송파-0887 개인정보관리책임자 최화철
ADDRESS 서울시 송파구 송파대로 32길 4-7(가락동, 지텔프빌딩) TEL 1577-3836 FAX 0503-8379-2436